
Showing posts from February, 2020


ASSESMAENT OF DIET AND DIET HABIT OF PATIENT On the first day of admission of patient the nurse in charge of diet should access the dietry habit of the patient from the patient and the relatives.The following detail may be obtained during the first interview. Whether the appetite of patient has changed recently or not.Whether the patient knows regarding the cause of change or not. In the patien opinions his appetite is large or small. Whether or not he has lost or gained weight recently. Whether there is any relation to pain to his food,its nature and timings. Whether the patient takes small numbers of large meals and large numbers of small meals. Whether any food upsets him. What types of food normally he takes or likes. Whether he is taking any special diet and if so whether of his own or by advise of friends or a doctor. What is about his drinking habit? Whether he finds any difficulty during chewing or swallowing? Any information regarding bowel habit and type of


Accident   cases of serious nature usually vehicular accident or accident involving multipile cross injuries involving fractures and haemorrhage. Acute poison deteriorating general condition of patient .        Severe burn case  of more than 30%. Heart patient of ischaemic nature. Other coma patients. Cerebro vascular accident. Patients with respiratory failure. Major surgery case. DUTIES OF NURSE IN ICU She should be perfectly trained handling equipments like oxygen appratus,artificial respirator,incubator. She should be trained for cardiac massage. She should be observe the general condition of patient like change in appearance,breathing,colour of skin for cyanosis. The pulse and respiration should be noted as frequently as possible or as per advise of doctor. Blood pressure record is another important duty in ICU.It may be done at interval of 15 minutes or 30 minutes.Som


INTENSIVE CARE UNIT A intnsive care unit (icu) is a ward or unit having limited numbers of beds where most seriously ill patients are kept.Extra spelialized treatment,nursing care and other facilities are made availble which are not available in general ward.There is no definite laid down procedure or facility in all hospital.It varies from hospital to hospital.   PURPOSE OF INTENSIVE CARE UNIT To provide prompt medical or surgical care in case of life saving emergencies as all such facilities or equipments are always kept ready for immediate use in icu. To prevent deterioration of patient condition by providing all symptomatic measures before the real treatment starts by corresponding surgeon or physcian.For example a case of cross injury or severe head injury or a massive myocardial infarction ,the deterioration of vital signs like fall of B.B,respiratory problems or loss of blood can be imme


COMPLICATION ARISING DURING BLOOD TRANSFUSION 1.Difficulty to maintain flow of blood  The reason of showing down f blood flow or complete stoppage may be summarized as follow: The vein may go to a state of spasm so either the flow slow or stops.Warming the part of the limb may help restore the flow. The transfusion tube may be kinked.if it is so it can be rectified easily. The needle may be dislodged and the lumber of the needle may be pressed by the wall of the vein.By slightly moving the base of needle,the error can be rectified. The needle or tube may be blocked by air bubble.If this happens then by pressing over the skin at the point end of the needle,tube is disconnected from the mount or base  of the needle and the blood is freely allowed to run down to remove the air and then reconnected to base of needle this process is done quickly to avoid clotting of blood at the base of th


Blood transfusion Defination Blood transfusion means introduction of one person's blood(donor,s blood) in to vein of another person.(recipient).As blood is a vital body fluid circulating rapidly from one part of body to other,great nursing care is taken during transfusion of blood  to avoid unwanted spreading of disease and toxins.       Purpose of blood transfusion In case of severe anaemia to provide or suppliment more blood in circulation.In leukaemias where wBC,out numbers RBC and there by reduce oxygen carrying capacity of blood. During major operation to suppliment immediate blood loss. During or after severe haemorrhage of any cause to maintain blood Volume and blood pressure. To provide platelets and other 3clotting factor in case of haemophilia. To provide anti-bodies and leucocytes in severely debilated person.                              bottle of blood Procedure for blood transfusion The procedure is more or less similar to that of a

Routes for administration of Injections

Intra-thecal injection Usually intra thecal injections are given by doctors not by nurses.These are given to introduce medication in the cerebro spinal fluid(CSF) to meninges and sub arachnoid space.special lumber puncture needles are used for intra thecal injections.great sterilizations care is taken to handle all equipment as there is always possibility of introducing bacteria  to meninges or brain directly if proper sterile technique is not adopted.Drug like streptomycin ,pencilln,sulphadizine and certain area are given intra thecally usually in meningitis.this route is preferred for quick action. Intra peritoneal injection Peritoneum is a thin paper like membrane which covers the abdominal organs. peritoneum provides a good surface area for absorption of drugs in liquid form to  blood stream.proper aseptic care is taken before injecting intra peritoneal injections as there is possibility of spreading infection to peritoneum.antirabic vaccine is usually given intra per


INTRA DERMAL INJECTION T HERE is difference between intra dermal injection and hypo dermal injection or subcutaneous injection.Intra drmal  meanS in to the dermis(skin).Hypodermal or subcutaneous means below dermis(skin).Hypo or sub mean below or under.  U sually intra dermal injections are given for diagnostic purpose by testing the reaction on the skin.By a thin needle it is injected in to the depth of skin not underneath skin.   EXAMPLES Tubercullin test Testing for sensivity like ATS,pencillin,other serums xylocaine etc. Hypo-dermal or subcutaneous injection B y  this method the drug reaches blood stream by way of absorptionfrom the local site.Usually not more than 2ml of drug is given subcutaneous route.this route is prefered when oral route is contra indicated and rapid action is desired.            Procedure intimate the patient about the procedure.  wash hands.


INTRAVENOUS INJECTION Intra venous injection when given for small quantity (1cc to 50cc) it is given through vein directly,through syringes.when large quantity is required to be injected like glucose or normal saline it is called intra venous infusion. when very quick action is required like cardiac stimulants,respiratory stimulants,anti spasmodics,methergin etc. when the drug on giving intra muscularly or hypodermally would cause local irritation. when large quantity of drug required to be given serum,saline or glucose. for diagnostic purpose-IVP etc. in treatment of vericose vein. in case of loss of fluid in body such as heamorrhage,burn, surgery. for general anaesthesia purpose. to maintain acid and base balance. Parts of syringes site of  injection large superficial veins are selected for purpose of  intra venous route.usually site is large vein at cubital fossa,the next site is visible superficial vein at dorsum of palm or hand.when due to severe deh

Parenteral administration of drugs

Parenteral administration of drugs Intramuscular injection Advantages Drugs more than 2cc which can be given through intradermal route can be intramuscular route. Irritating drug which cause irritation over skin are given through muscular route. Only preparation of drugs are given through intramuscular route. Components and supplies required Sterilized needle (20-23 gage).The gage depends on whether the liquid  is oily or non oily,the site of administration of injection and the age of patient and wether obese or thin. Sterilized stringe,the size of the syringe depends on the amount of the drug require d for a days disposable sterilized syringes and needles are available for once use only. Cotton swab. 4.Antiseptic solution like testified spirit not methylated spirit or savalon.if antiseptics are not available,boiled cool water may serve the purpose. 5.Sterile container for keeping needle,syringe and cotton swab. Technique of intramuscular

Administering eye,ear and nose drugs

Administering eye,ear and nose drugs Eye,ear and nose are special sense organs which require administration of drugs in a particular method.These organs sometimes contain pus,discharge crusts which may interfere with effectiveness of drugs when applied in their presence.So these barriers must be cleaned before any drug is applied.This can be done by using cotton wool swabs and cooled boiled water. Procedure of administering eye drops Wash your hand before procedure. Intimate the patient about the procedure,and side effect occuring immediately or afterwards like atropine causing temporary impaired vision. Turn the patient,s head to the side of eye to be instilled,so that any discharge will flow away from the nose. Swab the eye starting from the nose towards the side of the face. Discard the swab after once used. Repeat the procedure for the other eye. Stand behind the patient and ask him to bend his head backwards looking up at you. Hold the dropper

Equipment for measuring drugs

Equipment for measuring drugs For measuring drugs,different nursing equipment are used for convenience and accuracy of drug.the common equipments are as follow. Medicine glass or ounce measure :this a glass like small or big jar graduated in ml.oral medicine or for preparing mixtures this is very useful. Dropers :A droper consists of cylindrical tube like glass piece attached with a rubber cap the glass is graduated in fraction of ml.The droper is used to instil drug in eye,ear and nose and also for oral use of ml is approximately 15-20 drops. Droper Spoons : Usually spoon is a common measure to administer drug by mouth.the ready made mixture are also having labelled dose in spoon or more commonly tea spoon.One table spoon is approximately 4 tea spoon or 16 to 20ml. Measuring spoon Stronger :stronger may be of glass or plastic.plastic syringes are usually disposable (once used and thrown).The syringes are graduated in ml or fraction of ml.2c

Drugs and their administration

Drugs administration Purpose of drug administration To prevent illness. To treat illness. To restore bodily functions. Effects of drugs Therapeutic effects: this is the action of the drug to act selectively on an organ or body tissue or on disease caused by organisms and to restore normal body function. Side effects: along with the useful effects on body, the drugs sometimes produce some side effects which are not required for body and may cause discomfort to the patient. Allergic reaction: some drugs produce some undesirable effect to some group of persons causing minor or severe damage or intolerance to the person.they are known as sensitive persons to a particular drug which will not produce the same undesirable effect to other persons.the allergy may be mild,moderate or severe and sometimes may cause very alarming situations or even death.the body tissue does not accept the acts as a foreign body and reach to discard it in form of allergic reaction.immediate m