THERE is difference between intra dermal injection and hypo dermal injection or subcutaneous injection.Intra drmal  meanS in to the dermis(skin).Hypodermal or subcutaneous means below dermis(skin).Hypo or sub mean below or under.
 Usually intra dermal injections are given for diagnostic purpose by testing the reaction on the skin.By a thin needle it is injected in to the depth of skin not underneath skin.


  • Tubercullin test
  • Testing for sensivity like ATS,pencillin,other serums xylocaine etc.

Hypo-dermal or subcutaneous injection

By this method the drug reaches blood stream by way of absorptionfrom the local site.Usually not more than 2ml of drug is given subcutaneous route.this route is prefered when oral route is contra indicated and rapid action is desired.


  • intimate the patient about the procedure. 
  • wash hands.
  • fit parts of the syringe togather firmly,touching only knob of the plunger and outside of syringe barrel. keep the syringe with the needle resting on sterile cotton swab.never touch the needle except the base.
  • if drug is in ampoule pour spirit on one cotton ball and clean the neck of the ampoule and the cutting file with spirit.file the ampule at the base of the neck and break top portion of holding the cotton ball over neck to protect fingers.
  • insert the needle carefully into the ampoule being careful that it does not touch the glass.draw drug as per requirement not more than 2ml for subcutaneous.
  • if the drug is required to be mixed with water ampoule first as described above.draw required amount of water and mix well with drug in vial and then draw in to syringe as required.
  • if th injection is in vial with rubber cap,proceed as mentioned in intra muscular injection.
  • select site for injection usually upper and outer part of  the arm or front of thigh.
  • clean the area throughly by spirit swab.
  • grasp the skin of the part with left hand.
  • expel air from the syringe by holding it in upright position and gently pressing the plunger until a drop of soloution comes to the tip of needle.
  • insert the needle steadily and quickly at 45° angle and administer the drug.
  • after removing the needle again wipe the site of injection with spirit.
  • watch for 10 minute for any unwanted reaction.
  • insert the patient not to rub r scratch at the site injection.


All hypodermic injection should be given in an upward direction towards head end because this corresponds to flow of lymph in lymphatic channel,through which the drug is carried to blood stream.subcutaneous injections should not be given over skin of a should not puncture a vein.

Insulin for diabetic patients is always given hypodermally r by subcutaneous route.before giving insulin  ask the patient to take food immediately otherwise he may  develop hypoglycemia.
