Administering eye,ear and nose drugs

Administering eye,ear and
nose drugs

Eye,ear and nose are special sense organs which require administration of drugs in a particular method.These organs sometimes contain pus,discharge crusts which may interfere with effectiveness of drugs when applied in their presence.So these barriers must be cleaned before any drug is applied.This can be done by using cotton wool swabs and cooled boiled water.

Procedure of administering eye drops
  • Wash your hand before procedure.
  • Intimate the patient about the procedure,and side effect occuring immediately or afterwards like atropine causing temporary impaired vision.
  • Turn the patient,s head to the side of eye to be instilled,so that any discharge will flow away from the nose.
  • Swab the eye starting from the nose towards the side of the face.
  • Discard the swab after once used.
  • Repeat the procedure for the other eye.
  • Stand behind the patient and ask him to bend his head backwards looking up at you.
  • Hold the dropper containing the ointment horizontally while resting your hand on the cheek.

  • Pull down the lower eye lid away from eye ball.
  • Instill eye drop or squeeze 1cm of ointment inside the lower eye lid.
  • Ask the patient to close eye lightly so that the drug is evenly distributed over the eye,wipe off if any excess.
  • Avoid touching the eye lid with dropper or tip of tube of other patients.
  • If advised cover the eye with pad and bandage.
  •  Instruct the patient not to rub after application of eye drop or ointment.
  • Record the procedure in patient chart.
  • If any untoward effects,clean the eye with plain cold water and intimate the doctor incharge.

Procedure for putting ear drop

  • Position the patient so that the affected ear is above the level of the opposite ear.
  • Use a small swab stick or twist a piece of cotton wool to make wick,moisten this with cool and boiled water and use it to clean the ear of any discharge.
  • To straighten the ear canal,pull the ear gently backward and upward and downward in children.
  • Use a stick swab or cotton wicks to dry the ear after cleaning it.
  • Discard the swab or stick after the single use.
  • Instill the ear drop as prescribed,and plug the ear loosely with piece of cotton wool to keep out the dust.
  • Record the procedure in the chart.
  • If there is any discharge or heavy wax,it should be cleaned first,before instilling ear drop.

Procedure for administering Nasal drops

  • Ask the the patient to blow out his nose gently to clean away the excess,secretion.
  • Position the patient or having him sit with his head tuited case of a small child lay him on mother,s lap with the bent backwards and held firmly with both hands.
  • Instill the prescribed amount of nasal drop in the outer nostril,be careful not to touch it with the tip of droper.
  • Hold the patients head back for few seconds before bringing it back to the up right position.
  • Wipe of any excess with cotton wool and discard the swab.
  • Instruct the patient or parents or relatives how to instill the drop after cleaning the nostril,so that at home they can do it scientifically.
  • Record the procedure in the chart.
