Drugs and their administration

Drugs administration

Purpose of drug administration

  1. To prevent illness.
  2. To treat illness.
  3. To restore bodily functions.
Effects of drugs
  • Therapeutic effects:this is the action of the drug to act selectively on an organ or body tissue or on disease caused by organisms and to restore normal body function.
  • Side effects:along with the useful effects on body, the drugs sometimes produce some side effects which are not required for body and may cause discomfort to the patient.
  • Allergic reaction:some drugs produce some undesirable effect to some group of persons causing minor or severe damage or intolerance to the person.they are known as sensitive persons to a particular drug which will not produce the same undesirable effect to other persons.the allergy may be mild,moderate or severe and sometimes may cause very alarming situations or even death.the body tissue does not accept the drug.it acts as a foreign body and reach to discard it in form of allergic reaction.immediate medical measures are given to the patient showing allergic reaction.

Factors influencing drug action
  1. The dose:very small dose of drug will not be effective while over dose may cause harmful effects.so the drug produces it's beneficial effect only in proper therapeutic doses.
  2. Age and body weight:children and old persons are more sensitive to drugs and therefore require smaller dose.the ratio of body weight to the amount of drug determines the level of concentration of the drug in body.an adult person having a very thin body or less weight requires smaller dose than a over weight person.
  3. The route of administration: drug by mouth has less effect.in injection form the whole of the drug goes to blood.
  4. The time of administration:drug is more quickly observed if given by mouth on empty stomach,whereas it is delayed if given after a full meal.drugs which cause stomach irritation are given with meal or after meal.
  5. Presence of vomiting:when a drug is given to a diarrhea patient,due to rapid peristalsis drug is quickly expelled out from the site of absorption and gets less time for it's absorption.so it causes less effect.similary a vomiting person may expel out the drug by mouth completely or partially resulting less effect or no effect.
6.Technique of administration:for optimal effect of drug it should be given by proper route by proper technique in correct dose.

Forms of drugs

  • The drugs are available In various forms for easy administration and proper effect like:
  • Pills
  • Tablets
  • Capsules
  • Ointment
  • Cream
  • Paste
  • Jelly
  • Liquids: mixture for oral use i.e lotion suspension and emulsions.for external use are solutions for eye ear and nose.


  • Injections drugs in powder or liquid forms which are aseptically sealed in glass ampules or vials.l
  • Powder:for external,internal and injectable form.
  • Suppository:for rectal use.

  • The same drugs may be available in various forms to produce same or modified action of local or general effect.
