Routes for administration of Injections

Intra-thecal injection

Usually intra thecal injections are given by doctors not by nurses.These are given to introduce medication in the cerebro spinal fluid(CSF) to meninges and sub arachnoid space.special lumber puncture needles are used for intra thecal injections.great sterilizations care is taken to handle all equipment as there is always possibility of introducing bacteria  to meninges or brain directly if proper sterile technique is not adopted.Drug like streptomycin ,pencilln,sulphadizine and certain area are given intra thecally usually in meningitis.this route is preferred for quick action.

Intra peritoneal injection

Peritoneum is a thin paper like membrane which covers the abdominal organs.
peritoneum provides a good surface area for absorption of drugs in liquid form to  blood stream.proper aseptic care is taken before injecting intra peritoneal injections as there is possibility of spreading infection to peritoneum.antirabic vaccine is usually given intra peritoneal over abdomen around umbilicus.during intra peritoneal dialysis also, injection are required to be given intra peritoneal subcutaneous injection the whole thickness of abdominal skin and muscles are held by left hand and needle is punctured in to the abdomen.the needle is kept at 30° angle and then pierced

Intra cardiac injection

Intra cardiac injections are given during cardiac arrest or to revive failing heart during terminal stage of death.usually colamine,micoren and adrenaline 1:1000 are given intra usually these drugs are given in very acute emergency to revive heart beat, some times ordinary aseptic care is followed to save time while giving intra cardiac injection.though usually the attending doctor does this procedure,still in absence of doctor,the nurse should know how to administer intra cardiac injection, the site is per cardiac region in 2nd or 3rd inter costal space in mid clavicular line.Here in this case the needle is pierced perpendicularly at 90° angle to the chest wall.

Intra articular injections

This is a local administration of drugs in to joint the drugs act locally and not by absorption to blood stream.usually hydrocortisone injections are given intra articularly in orthopedic practice.great aspectic  care is taken for this procedure as there is chance of introducing infective organism to joint cavity.usually articular injections are in orthopedic ward.big joints like shoulder ,knee,ankle elbow and wrist joints are given intra articular injections.

Intra ventricular injection

This is to introduce medication to ventricle of brain and not of heart .the administration may be required either for therapeutic or diagnostic purpose.usually neuro surgeon administer medication and perform such procedures.great aseptic care is taken before giving intra ventricular injection.

Intra amniotic injection

this procedure is introducing medication to amniotic fluid is done in obstetricians.the procedure is indicated for therapeutic abortion.before 16 weeks of pregnancy the amniotic sac is punctured through vaginal route by a 10cm,special tap needle in the anterior vaginal fornix.after 16 weeks of pregnancy the amniotic sac is punctured through abdominal route.usually 50% glucose or 20% saline soloution is injected to amniotic sac after removing about 200ml of amniotic fluid.all aseptic care is stricktlt followed.bladder is emptied before the procedure.for convenience and to detect the bladder puncture,the the bladder is filled with 15-20ml of methylene blue by catheterization.
