Tube feeding or lavage may be oral or nasal.When the tube in passed through mouth,it is known as oral lavage and when it is passed through nose when mouth poses problem,it is known as nasal lavage.

*Comatose patient.
*Paralysis of soft palate or pharyngeal muscle in diphtheria or other such condition.
*After operation over mouth,pharynx or larynx.
*For premature or weak infants who are unable to suck.
*In case of intensity when patients always refuses to take food.
Utmost care should be taken to ensure that the tube is in stomach neither in lungs or nor coiled in mouth or pharynx.It is better to check the position of the tube by a second nurse or by a doctor.
Air shoud not be allowed to enter stomach while the feed is being given.So the apparatus should not be allowed to be empty until entire feed has been exhausted.
To avoid discomfort caused by sudden stimulation of stomach nerve endings by  cold fluid,the feed should be warmed to body temperature.It should be tested by a location thermometer before administration.
Sudden distention of stomach may cause stimulation of nerve endings and cause discomfort.This is avoided by giving feed slowly either by use of small apparatus or by pinching the tube slightly as the food is given to reduce it's calibre.
It is not necessary to remove the tube  after every feed if it has passed by nasal route.If it is through oral route it is removed after feeding.The tube required periodic removal for cleaning and to avoid tissue reaction.A rubber tube should be changed every 24 hours,and polythene tube on every 7 days.

A unskilled hand while passing the tube in to stomach cause damage to the mucous membrane of the nose,naso pharynx and oesophagus.If any difficulty is faced,forceful and frequent attempt by the same time should not be taken.The procedure should be abondoned and at later time again fresh attempt should be done using same or different tube.
