INjuries and operationsin and arround mouth may pose problem for feeding.under such condition feeding is managed as follows.



Small infant with congenital harelip deformity may be able to take food without posing problem.But if complete cleft palate is present,the infant may need spoon feeding or feeding by naso gastric tube,for spoon feeding the infant is laid flat on the lap of nurse or mother and fed by means of spoon to the back of the mouth.In post operative cases of harelip or cleft palate spoon feeding is continued using a small narrow spoon which will not stretch the mouth.Water is given before and after each food.Crying causes stretching of stitches or may cause removal,so cry for feed should be avoided if sufficient amount of feed is given and repeated before the infant cries for feed.


Harelip is operated early but cleft palate is repaired at a later age group but before of the child starts talking.After operation for cleft palate,feeding is done by intra gastric tube or by a spouted feeding cup with rubber tube attatchd .Cold liquid feed is commonly given for few days.Then semi solid food and soft solid food are given.Drinks usually water is given before and after each feed to clean the mouth.


Many times feeding problems arises after operation over tongue due to injury or tumor.The insertion of radium needle in tongue also poses similar problems.The patient is given only liquids feeds either by intragastric  tube or by spouted feeding cup with rubber tube attached.The tube should be put at the side of mouth well to the back to the portion.

Slow and gently irrigation of mouth usually done before and after feed.If radium needle has been inserted its position is checked after feeding.Effort should be made not to dislodge or displace the needlde.If at all it happens,attending doctor should be intimated for correct positioning.all cleaning and hygienical method should be adopted for cleaning feeding cups,tubes and other used crockeries.
