Sometimes a surgeon performs gastrostomy operation for feeding a patient in cases of operation over oesophagus or soft palate or tumour or structure in such cases it becomes the prime duty of the nurse to feed the patient carefully through the gastrostomy tube.the tube is inserted through an opening in abdominal wall going in to the stomach by piercing stomach wall.the Cather or tube is usually a self retaini g one known as "De Pezzer Catheter".the tube is taken out periodically and replaced by a new one.
For the first few days it is important to observe the sliping out the tube from the incision in which case it should be replaced immediately otherwise it will be very difficult to introduce the tube and the purpose of the operation becomes defeated.


*Piece of tubing.
*Tubing clip
*A catheter
*Sterilized dressing and bandage
*Bowl of water
*A tray containing all such item
*Sterilized plug to close the tube after feeding.
                    Gastrostomy tube feeding
*The patient is intimated about the procedure for better co.operation.
*The makintosh is put over bed to prevent soaking and protect dressing.
*The plug from the opening of tube is removed if gastrostomy tube is already inserted.
*Otherwise the gastrostomy plug is removed from abdomen and a sterilized tube is carefully inserted through the gastrostomy opening.
*The end of connector is fixed to the catheter in to the gastrostomy opening.
*The tube is pressed to remove air.
*By means of a 50 cc syringe,the feed is slowly introduce through the tube.
*It is important to flush in by introducing some water in to the tube to wash or clean the stomach,end of the the tube to prevent blocking.
*The feed can be introduced by means of a funnel fixed at the tube.
*The funnel and connector is removed.
*The skin around the tube is applied with a protective cream to prevent irritation of skin by contact with food particle.
             Care Of Gastrostomy Tube
The liquid food for tube feeding is usually advised by the doctor treating the patient.Only nursing involvement remains for amount for feed at a time,temperature of feed,and use of correct hygienic and nursing procedure.
  • Usually milk
  • Strained soup
  • Readymade milk like complan or horlick
Juice are given through tube feeding.The amount at a time should not exceed 500 cc.The temperature of feed normally should vary between 99℉ to 100°F.Only in certain restricted cases very cold or ice cold feeds are prescribe.
